Written by Rajan Nair, a veteran and much-awarded advertising Copy Writer and National Creative Director, and illustrated by Prof Subhash Tendle, mentor to hundreds of top creative people in advertising and design, this book is not only informative, sensitive and supportive, it’s also highly  entertaining.

“A Primer For Today’s Copy Writers."

Prof RM Simha, Co-Chair of CCC, MICA

“Even in today’s enlightened age, when everyone knows everything about everything, copy writing is a mystery profession. (A few wags may comment that even copy writers today don’t know what copy writing is about.) As a result, untrained youngsters have to navigate the choppy waters of advertising without a guide.
Rajan Nair’s book, The Copy Writer In The Tall, White Hat, sets forth to fill this gap by offering practical advice to all those who have plighted their troth to this volatile vocation.
Marvellously illustrated by Rajan’s comrade, Subhash Tendle, what makes Rajan’s book a valuable addition to the budding copy writer’s backpack is that it can be read in any order.
Just dip into it for nuggets of wisdom on work-life balance, crafting a CV, dealing with an ass of a creative director, making a Kathi roll or a Schezwan Egg Dosa.

Oh yes, for this is also a cookbook.
And what is the connection between copy writing and cooking? Well, you’ll have to read the book to find out.”

"I finished reading your book this morning... I found it entertaining and easy to read. I particularly found value in the ideas outlining the ways to help one's creativity flow, the importance of words, and the necessity of sticking to one's principles. ...thank you for sharing it with us!"
Aditya G.
Mica CCC30
Rajan Nair is a legendary copy writer. He has now demonstrated his skills at writing not just great copy but also great recipes. With some valuable advice for budding copywriters. A novel approach to writing a cook book and a copy book, no less.
Ambi Parameswaran
Independent Brand Strategist - Brand - CEO Coach - Start-Up Mentor - Best-Selling Author - #TEDx Speaker - Podcaster
"I finished the book in one sitting, the copy part of course. It’s amazing!! Kudos to you. Told my (juniors) to read it and pay special attention to the proofreading part" 🙂 "(By the way) I did not think there will be actual recipes in the book 😀 You got me there."
Sourabh Pathak
Creative Director at TBWA\India
"I wish I had a book like this one 10 years ago, but it's never too late... If you are someone who recently got inducted as a copywriter/ideator/creative/wordsmith, irrespective of what the title states, if your job entails owning the brand's voice at an agency (or in the brand's very own creative wing) and reaching out to the audience with well-crafted words, and you have been feeling overwhelmed with what should be your next step, or whether you should keep up the habit of ordering from your favorite orange/red app, especially after the client and account management seemingly agree on a mediocre idea, which you had only put down as a backup because you didn't want to skip yet another meal and keep up the promise of '5 routes', this book should help you arrive at a decision much faster than I did! End of rant. Thank you so much for this book. I am particularly curious to try out the Jaffna curry powder and keep it handy alongside all my other spices! The last few chapters were the most relevant to me and have helped me understand what should be my next step."
Soumyanshu Behara, MICA CCC 29th Batch
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