A. Sorry, not yet. It’s currently available in soft cover, printed version, in India.

Sure, yes. But since we have only this one book to sell, setting up an international money transfer process is uneconomical.
So here’s the solution: Please ask someone you know in India to pay for the book and the shipment, and we will ship it to you anywhere in the world. We use India Post parcel service (it’s reliable and inexpensive compared to many big-brand international logistics services). India Post will deliver the book to your doorstep.
Please let us know the full address where you want the book delivered to, and we’ll let you know how much it will cost (book price + cost of shipping) in Indian Rupees, and how long it will take for you to receive the book.
Your contact person in India can pay using the same QR code displayed on the “BUY NOW” page.

A. I have spent more than three decades as a successful copy writer, and trained over 900 copy writers. I assure you that learning the craft will not only make you a better writer in general, but a better communicator, too. And like a copy writer,  you too, can learn to persuade people – irrespective of what point of view they currently hold. 
And the skill of being able to communicate with clarity and conviction is something even the World Economic Forum continues to acknowledge, year after year, as a characteristic that is highly evident in people with ‘Leadership qualities’.

A. Unfortunately, I don’t have any discount offers on this book. The books are printed in limited quantities, personally, by yours truly, and because of the limited quantities, they are expensive, to put it mildly. 

A. Yes, please buy this book. I can’t put it more plainly. I’m depending on my relatives, chuddy-buddies, friends and well-wishers to pay and buy the book.
My enemies don’t do business with me.

A: Before putting it out in the market, I sent this book to a few hand-picked stalwarts from the industry to review and say a few words on whether it’s good, bad, or ugly. Whatever I have posted here is verbatim. These are the Big Daddies of advertising, and they do not put their foot in their mouth.
If you know them personally, you could ask them directly. On my part, I dare not give their contact details on a public forum.

A: Yes, I have. These are not exotic dishes created for gourmands. These are every day dishes, tried and tested and what you’re dying-for, especially when you’re far from home and mummy’s cooking.
All the ingredients are locally available; all the appliances and utensils are simple household stuff. No sweat.

A: Having taught young creative people for more than 20 years, I learned that, in general, they tend to ignore the practical aspects of food and nutrition while pursuing a highly demanding career path.
Food is costly. Especially, eating out!
And eating out all the time is unhealthy, for sure.
What’s more, it hasn’t occurred to many of these young creatives that they actually have the option of cooking their own breakfast, lunch or dinner!
They haven’t realised that cooking can be as joyful and satisfying as cracking a headline for a print ad or a social media post!
Which is why, half the book is about cooking. And the other half, about not getting cooked.

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